Sample letter: “wanton vandalism”


Dear xxxx,

I am writing to protest regarding your announcement regarding the future of Perth Modern school. As a parent of a child at the school, I have seen her grow and develop as a result of excellent teaching and facilities. To propose to move the school to an inner city location is an act of wanton vandalism

In opposition, you have constantly berated this government for the way that it has handled capital investment. Yet you have announced a plan without undertaking stakeholder consultation and apparently without seeking Department of Education and Department of Treasury input. Where is the business case, the independently verified costings, the in-principle lease agreement?

This election was, for me, about ALL the issues. However now it has become single issue. I will not vote for Labor if this policy is not put to a proper and independent assessment by those best placed to do so (Education, Treasury).

In three weeks time I will be casting my vote. A vote for Labor is not a possibility whilst this policy remains without clarification. I am urging the 1000 plus Perth Modern families, drawn from across the State, to make a similar stand. This is a tight election and you need votes in marginal seats to win government. Our 1000 families can make the difference between government and opposition. I urge you to consider that carefully.

Yours sincerely,

Father, Perth.

One thought on “Sample letter: “wanton vandalism”

  1. I too have emailed to the Labor party candidates:

    I am writing to you to express a grave concern that I have for the fate of Perth Modern School, in light of the WA Labor’s announcement about “Education Central”.
    Under the “Education Central” proposal, students from Perth Modern School would be relocated to the new high-rise school – leaving Perth Modern to become a public secondary school.
    As a parent from Perth suburbs, there is no way I would want an 11-12yo child to spend 6 years of their schooling in the top floors of a 25 storey high rise above the busiest streets in the city, with a rooftop as a ‘playground’ for 1500 students. “This is absurd” – these are the words of my daughter who will be affected by such forceful move to the “Perth Academic College” should the plan go ahead.
    I believe it is a very bad idea to move Perth Modern students and staff, and that it can kill the WA’s unique and very successful public academic, music and other all-round programs. Apart from being successful where they are, these programs are currently subsidised with the scholarships provided by ex Modernian alumni ensuring academic entry is equally available to students of all backgrounds.
    I believe that Perth Modern School in its current place is iconic to our state. It has a long history of gifted education and academic excellence going back over 100 years. This history is engraved in the walls of the school’s buildings and grounds. Some facilities are also funded by donations from alumni and current school families, and are designed to specifically cater for the talented and gifted students. The school’s nature, its open and green environment provide our students with a balance which is crucial to their all-round development, and the Modernian spirit of this place is also a great contributor to the students sense of identity and belonging.
    Please preserve the history and tradition, and the well-balanced excellence of our iconic school!

    Liked by 1 person

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